Put a time selection the length of the section item then Shift+R to insert a region,Įndings 4 bars for BB (or more if you stay in Reaper) I had the Free version of Jamstix so I couldn't DRAG the phrases out so I set the Jamstix track in Reaper to Record Midi Output, armed it and hit record, this gave all the Midi phrases in a midi track. To create up a Midi Style Drum track we just drag the sections out of Jamstix/EZDrummer/MT Power Drummer/DrumMic'A.

To try this there are a few Test Instruments & Drums HERE ReaTrak will fit them with the following action buttons: So what we will do is create up a midi drum style that will instantly be fitted to the Biab Chords/Part Markers. Does anyone know of a way I can do this part in PT (using EZplayer Pro or Toontrack Solo as a plugin in PT maybe?) I realise it's a long shot and I'm maybe asking too much but if someone has this working please share.If we had Midi UserTracks we could do this all in Biab but we don't at the moment so I'll show you another way.

When I've found one I like I can drag it from there directly into PT.

However if I want to audition loops I have to go into Reaper, open SD2 and do it there. If I want to change to Omnisphere I select the Instrument track in PT that Rewires to the Omnisphere track in Reaper - again no need to switch in an out of Reaper. I can record a MIDI part onto my Instrument track in PT and don't even need to look at Reaper.

I have it all set up so I can be in PT playing my keyboard and I hear the drums and it works great. The problem I am having is getting Superior Drummer working the way I'd like it to. I love PT and want to use it for everything (Editing, Mixing Recording audio and MIDI) and just use Reaper as a workhorse for hosting VSTs leaving PT to worry only about the audio and any RTAS instruments and effects. I am currently investigating the possibility of using Reaper ReWire to handle some of my Virtual Instruments as it takes a lot of the CPU pressure off PT and it seems SO efficient at handling large instruments like Omnisphere and EW Play etc.